I’m tired today. I knew going into the weekend that we would ware ourselves out. Not only do the women in my family like to shop, we also like to argue about directions, get lost in the ghetto of Detroit, manage to find the one hotel in Michigan that is housing the state convention for Alcoholics Anonymous, and end up everywhere that we’re headed a good two hours later than we anticipated.
That, in a nut shell was my weekend. It was enjoyable though.
On a rare occasion, my boss came into my office about 3:30 Friday afternoon and told me I was welcome to go home early if I wanted. This was both miraculous and disheartening for 3 reasons.
1. She’s never even hinted at leaving early. Ever. Even when we’re scheduled to have a day off, she grits her teeth at actually letting us.
2. I don’t have a car…it’s still in the shop. Nice idea, us leaving early. Too bad I’m at the mercy of whoever has wheels. Apparently my dad says that the guy fixing the car ‘really knows what he’s doing’ – here we are a month later, $400 worth of work already in it, and still no real concrete clue of what is wrong.
3. I was supposed to be leaving at 5:30 with my family from here… work was the meeting place.
My boss did leave early, so Mark and I just wasted time… I listened to iTunes, watched a little TV, wrote a blog, balanced my checkbook, and Mark took a nap. Then my mom arrived to pick me up around 6ish. She was running late… but the good news was she got a hose replaced on her car so it would stop the horrible shaking, met a really nice guy Shayne that I graduated high school with, heard his life story, dropped my sister off to say good bye to Ella at her in-laws and we needed to go pick her back up… you get the point. That’s how we do it in my family. By the time we got on the road, we were generally ready to be asleep, and 4 hours from the hotel.
Saturday was nice though. We slept in late (although I can’t really say we slept a whole lot on Friday night… my mom is a bit of a snorer), went to Borders for coffee and then to the show.
The Phantom was in a historical theater downtown. On the way there we managed to make a wrong turn, which resulted in many feverish comments, awkward sideways glances and fumbling to lock the doors. We were in the heart of Detroit, and I had to laugh at our sudden whiteness. It was a classic Miller girl moment. I was okay with it because I’ve been in plenty of rough areas on my world travels, but Lacey was pretty new to it all and freaked out a little, mainly when we almost hit a pigeon with our car. I gave the girls a little backgrounder on the play and warned them that many of the melodies were dark and even scary sounding, but that it was all amazing. It had been so long since I last saw the play that I actually couldn’t remember the ending, so even I was caught up in discovering that part for the first time. I really enjoyed it, and the girls did too. My mom kept leaning over to ask if I was tired, because she has ‘a hard time staying awake when they turn the lights down.’ I can honestly say that has never happened to me at a play. During a slide show in elementary school? Yes. But a play? No.
We had a nice dinner and some shopping after. I was thrilled to see that we stumbled on to the one of only two malls in Michigan that have a Sephora. A girl can never have too many lip liners, right?
On our way home yesterday we detoured through Lansing to stop at my great aunt’s 90th birthday party. It worked out really well for us to drop in, and everyone was surprised that the ‘Northern Cousins’ could make it. Aunt Dorothy was, of course, very grateful as well. She’s amazing. She looks great, still very clever and fun to be around. She does have a little bit of short term memory loss now, but she is, in her own words ‘Still kickin!’
Needless to say, this put us at getting home around 7:30… a good two hours later than I had hoped. Par for the course, but not the end of the world.
Today I woke up to rain. It is slowly melting the snow away and turning parking lots into lakes. I’m sure we’ll have a couple more snow days before winter is all said and done, but for now, it feels like spring is right around the corner. The dreary weather coupled with the back draft of such a whirlwind weekend are tiring me right out. I guess it’s good that it’s a slow paced day today though. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had nearly this much time to write, and would be fighting to get to it all day.
Blogs are, after all, more important than work.