A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Saturday, December 31, 2005

times they are a-changing

As I toast the end of 2005 and welcome the fledgling 2006 year, these are some of the random thoughts bumping around in my head...

- Should you happen to dream that a huge, tingling cold sore is brewing on your upper lip, try not to wake up... Because it my case, you find it to be a reality. (Good thing I had no tangible plans for a New Year's kiss this year!)

- People who speak Spanish as a first language really do appreciate it when you attempt to communicate through the little bit you know... Even if you're rather clumsily stringing together the only vocab words you remember from your junior year. (Even a butchered, but sincere 'Gracias' is guaranteed to make them smile). I exercised this at the Mexican restaurant again today... Works everytime.

- Wearing brown with black may be readily accepted as high fashion in California (just ask my sister), but it's still just catching on up here... Much like wearing jeans to Wal-Mart instead of sweat pants.

- Swallowing a whole beef bullion cube to avoid going to school will backfire on you. Your stomach will be ravaged, but your parents will still make you go... According to my (now former, as of yesterday) co-worker Mark.

- Never expect an easy, 'challenge-less' road. Even the best of experiences can still be bittersweet. And hey, that's how you develop character, right?

- It's okay to imagine and dream about where you'll be this Night, next year... Looking back will most likely never cease to amaze you.

- It's good to remember that although you may not understand why you are going through something right now, you'll have clarity in the future. I believe that some of the things I am going through right now have long-term implications for my life, but I choose not to muddy my mind with figuring it all out right now. (There is a difference with being overwhelmed about the future and having vision). Do your best to take the good with the bad, keep a clear perspective, trust God to work out the details, and seize each moment for what it is. Adventures are waiting for you to live them!

- Happy New Year all.


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