A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

We're just moments away from packing up food and gifts to head to my grandparents' house. I just thought I'd throw up a couple 'getting in the Christmas mood' shots from today...
Here's sweet Livy wrapping a 'girl gift' for the white elephant gift exchange.

I interrupted Olivia's stirring of the sacred homemade macaroni and cheese to get this picture... one of my favorites of the year for sure.

For Christmas this year my sister Lacey asked my dad to build a baby crib for Ella's baby dolls. It was a major project that involved numerous nights of my precious sleep to be interrupted with the sounds of sanding and sometimes even drilling. Needless to say, I laughed when my dad said that he couldn't wait for Ella to get big enough to be spanked for all the trouble she put him through to build it. Most large gifts have historically never been wrapped in this house, just left out to be an immediate surprise on Christmas morning... Not so with this. Dad used a little creativity to get her crib wrapped. 2 boxes turned toward each other, newspaper (and for some reason 2 strips of actual wrapping paper), a name tag and 'bow.' I was relieved he found the name tag since he was asking for a black magic marker just moments before. You stay classy, Doug.

More family Christmas pictures to come!


Blogger Jonny Mac said...

hahaha..christmas was fun....

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Olivia looks so grown up! Man...time flies!

P.S. Of course you haven't aged a day :-)

1:13 PM  

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