A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Friday, December 02, 2005

Tulsa Trip Day 2

Just have a second to jot a bit about the trip so far... I got in later than anticipated because Northwest canceled my first flight of the morning on Wednesday. Instead of arriving into Tulsa around 4 pm, I didn't get in until after 8, and then had to get my luggage from the carousel, pick up the rental car, and a quick bite at Sonic (since I haven't eaten at one in about 2 years and desperately needed a cherry-limeade, light ice), before driving out to the home where I've been staying. Just like my trip to Miami last summer, I have been bunking at the Goley household, cracking up at their kids and loving the warmer weather.

Highlights so far:
- The lady in front of me at the security checkpoint who tried to send a bag with two dogs in it through the X-ray machine. (And she appeared to be a breeder... one would think...)

- The emergency dentist appointment that I had yesterday morning because of a shampoo bottle related incident. It's not my fault that it was too tight to open! The dentist told me never to do that again... "If you need to open a bottle, get a wrench or a husband, take your pick." (Note to self: Buy Home Depot stock.)

- Catching up with several old friends who are in new stages of their lives, and dining at new restaurants that didn't exist when I was last here 2 years ago.

- Having my first experience with a rental car, and finally being old enough to actually rent it! Let's not talk about the fact that I literally scuffed it with the first touch.

- Experiencing the cleansing breaths of two productive sessions with a pastor friend of mine involving prayer, counsel and working through some junk from the past.

- A pair of super fuzzy new socks.

More to come!


Blogger Jonny Mac said...


9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

berz, i was just in tulsa last month! i miss you babe, lots to talk about. i need to call you before you get crazy because i'm moving far, far away..australia. talk to you soon, love you gorgeous!!

10:40 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

The dog incident horrifies me...the fuzzy socks intrique and the dentist issue sounds way too familiar. You are NOT alone!

But you're making me feel old with the car rental story.

8:02 AM  
Blogger Marybeth said...

Dear heavens...what kind of crazy do you have to be to put a dog through an x-ray machine? Buy a wrench or get a husband...oh, that was funny! Have fun!!!

11:29 AM  

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