A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Album 2005

First some shots from my Grandparents' last night. Hooray for the Annual Pollington Christmas Eve Extravaganza!

This is my cousin's boy Gavin. So festive and too cute.
My sister Olivia with our cousin Heather. She's one of the most brilliant aspiring writers I know.
To the right: Lacey and Ella opening the sweet lady's gifts. She was most thrilled about the suckers that were decorating the package. As you can see from the picture she insisted on having one in each hand for most of the night, much to her father's dismay!
To the lower left: Lacey prefers not to show off her pregnant tummy, but when you look this fabulous and you're in your last trimester, why wouldn't you!?
Down below: Here we are with our Grandpa Claude Pollington. It should be no surprise that you can see a hint of a deer's head just above us. Very typical.
And now for a few pictures from today...
First my brother-in-law Jon opening the second half of his gift from me (the first half is the athletic band around his head), and my mom trying on her new perfume. Pretend she's wearing makeup, she'll be a lot happier about you looking at the pictures if you do.
Ella was mesmerized with yet another spin of the Elmo DVD she watches whenever she's over.
Lacey and Ella resume the present-opening position. Olivia 'stocking' up. Jon and Dad immersed in the afterglow AKA playing with their new 'toys.'
Two of the highlights for me this Christmas were that we went to church today, a first for me. For whatever reason, I don't know that I've ever had a Sunday morning Christmas service scheduled, but it was a nice, tender way to start the morning. The other great part was watching Ella fall immediately in love with the 'baby crib' that my dad made for her. She took to it right away and spent a long time crawling in and out of it, as well as playing. I loved overhearing her tell her babies 'Night, see you tomorrow babies.'

Hope you had an enjoyable holiday and remembered to thank our Father for His Son.


Blogger Jonny Mac said...

ahhhhhhhhh......great pics and great gifts....that was soo fun...why does it have to end so stinkin' soon....

11:21 PM  

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