A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Topics 'O Plenty

It seems that everyone around me is sick lately. As it turns out, I had a terrible cold about a week and a half ago, then my friend caught it, and just as I was getting over it, a co-worker got it too. He ended up missing work for the first time in 3 years because it was THAT bad. Now, I've got it again... This time is different though, not worse really, just different. The last time it was just a head cold, this time it's everything that acts like a cold, with the addition of a general malaise... Body aches, serious congestion, sore throat, hoarse voice.

I've always been sensitive to medicine for some reason, and have taken pills before bed while saying a prayer that I won't have hallucinations in my sleep, or wake up scratching my legs until they bleed (Yeah, I know it's gross, but I've done it).
In short, Me + Medicine = weird dreams and regret that I ever took it.

Last night I was so miserable that I took half a dosage of sinus medicine. My sleep wasn't too weird, although I dreamed that we acquired a Chevrolet dealership as a client and my brilliant new tagline for them was, 'Add a dent to your hood.' For some reason I thought this was great, and kept thinking about how I HAD to remember to tell Mark and Jeannine my genius idea today... yikes.

Is it just me, or do the promos for The Office on NBC look awesome?! I was reading a commentary on it today and they were mentioning how just like the BBC version it is fashioned after, there is no live audience or laugh track -- part of the charm is the awkward silence following the jokes. Gotta love that... Starts tomorrow night - don't miss it!*

So today I read an article in the paper about some neurobioligists who are working on a new hybrid fruit: Fizzy fruit.

As the story goes, Galen Kaufman discovered it by accident. He was on a sailing trip and bit into a pear that had been chilled with dry ice. The fruit had absorbed the CO2 and had a fizz like soda pop. The researchers are working on carbonated apples, pears and other juicy treats. Now Kaufman is working with OSU professor John Henry Wells. They hope to find a way to carbonate fruit on a commercial scale. Wow.

For those of you who have been exposed to my likes/dislikes the past few years, you'll know that I am a huge fan of Chai tea. It's so creamy and spicy - like Christmas in a cup... I still can't quite manage to choke down plain tea though... For all of you tea fans out there, please forgive the use of the word 'Plain.' I'm sure there's nothing plain about it... just watery.

Since I am talking about random topics, I'll throw in here that I've developed an unhealthy obsession with exercise. I know it's a shock - and again, for those of you who know me well, other than the 4 month stint I had with Tae Bo a few years back, I haven't been much of a fan... That was until Pilates.

My mom bought the Winsor Pilates DVD and a mat for Christmas. One for me, and one for Lacey. She started working out with the DVD right away and tapered off about 2 weeks later. I, on the other hand, waited until March 9th to bust it out. I guess it was just a bad case of 'putting-it-off-because-I-hate-to-sweat-and-much-prefer-spending-my-energy-on-finding-ridiculous-excuses-not-to-do-it.' My how times have changed!

I don't know how to explain it, but Pilates makes me feel euphoric. It's not like I'm so proud of myself for working out, it's more like the time I was put on Vicodin and woke up during the night feeling like my arms were floating -- and it was heaven. Something about the stretching, relaxing, working the muscles just enough to feel that happy/tender feeling the next day... My new favorite addiction. The other day I was shopping at the mall with my friend Lauren. I kept catching myself literally daydreaming of going home and doing the routine. It's reaching epic proportions when you think about it WHILE shopping.

Well, that's enough rambling for tonight - Mari Winsor is waiting, and I could use a good hit...

*Disclaimer: In the event that The Office turns out to be extremely crass, distasteful, or un-funny... do not hold me responsible for the suggested viewing.


Blogger Jonny Mac said...

could that possibly be the worst line for a dealership..."Add a dent to your hood." What does that mean?

8:45 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

That's what I'm saying -- even I don't know what it means...

12:18 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

That's a good one! Really, I'm surprised no had thought of it before...

Hmm, maybe I should try Pilates...I'm usually finding excuses not to exericse, too.

9:45 AM  

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