A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Ambizzle in the Hizzy

So I made a humorous discovery this morning… www.gizoogle.com. Essentially, this website is made to offer hours of Snoop Doggie Languizzle to the easily entertained. You go to the site, type in any URL (be sure to include ‘http://’) and watch your website transformed. Granted, you have to steer clear of some profanity, but it’s pretty funny. For instance, here’s some of my blog from yesterday after Gizoogle got a hold of it. (Plus, who can resist a site with spinning rims in the name?)

‘My brotha Lacey once fizzay asleep wit a cough drop in her grill n (prepare yoself, this is kinda sick), fo` `bout a wizzle drug deala lost whole sections of taste buds… tizzle jizzay stripped off , chill yo. Gross, I know. And since I’m rapping `bout really gross rhymin' it IS possible ta wakes up n have yo nose runn'n down tha side of yo face like drool… I mean, not that sum-m sum-m so sizzick has ever happened ta me, I’m just bustin.’

For those of you who know (and those who maybe haven’t heard), about the ZoeGirl concert tour opportunity I had, I thought I should give you an update. I was approached last fall by the missions organization I used to work for in Oklahoma, to recruit for a summer mission trip on a Christian music tour. (Maybe I could include like 6 more prepositions in that last sentence!?). Needless to say, I had been keeping my ear, schedule, and heart open about this for several months. A few weeks ago I got a call from Caleb in Tulsa, and he let me know that it wasn’t going to work out for me to go along. I was honestly prepared for a nod or a ‘no’ so I wasn’t too bummed about it. Anyway, it turns out that the girls have two shows in Michigan during the month of April that I will be able to recruit at… so that will be cool. They’re sending up some promotional tools and covering my expenses for both dates, so I’m looking forward to that.

Tomorrow night my mom, sisters, and I are headed for a Miller girls’ weekend in Detroit. It’s the culmination of months of planning and an elusive Christmas present we were promised in December… we’re going to the Phantom of the Opera… not the movie, the play. I’m pumped because although I’ve seen the show before, this is a first for the ladies, and the last time I saw it, I was in high school. I’m really looking forward to it.

So it's back to work for me... I'm working on creative copy for a med-spa... It's hard to write fun copy for Botox and laser hair removal without sounding bad. Why do all ill-fitting phrases seem to come to mind? '... A stiff upperlip', 'A bad hair day', 'a slap in the face,' 'beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone.'



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