A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Friday, March 04, 2005

Rich is a relative term

I like to be the proud owner of things that can’t be bought.

Things like… Family.

No matter how far you live from your parents or siblings, one thing is sure, the distance and time fizzles away when you see each other again. You might come home with an accidental-pixie-turned-butch-haircut that you refuse to come to grips with, or have changed clothes sizes since the last time they saw you, but it doesn’t matter. You’re still you, the child or sibling that they love. I remember all those years that I lived in Tulsa, I missed a lot – my sisters’ high school games, birthdays, awards ceremonies, stuff like that. It was hard on me when Lacey was crowned homecoming queen and I was hearing the announcement and cheers over a cell phone. Some tears spilled that day for sure.

You become a grateful person when you realize your missing out on their important things means they think allowing you to pursue your dreams is great in value. They forgive the ‘missing-outs’ and welcome any chance to ‘catch-up.’ The greatest thing about family though, is that of all the people in the world, they see you at your very worst, and still love you best. In a perfect world, we could have our family all in one place… all pursue what we want our lives to be… have the perfect jobs… and be plugged into healthy social circles and church groups… but it can’t always be that way. Loving families know how to make the best of every situation. Mine does. (Hugs to Dad, Mom, Lacey, Olivia, John, Ella).

Things like… Friends.

It’s strange to me how distance always seems to play a part in precious relationships. Many of my best friends in the whole world are sprinkled about the country. I was thinking about my Tulsa roommates this morning, and how I loved each of those girls so much. I loved the carefree, stress free lives we were living and how we depended on each other so much. It was nice to be that close. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days, but I remember Life Happens. These girls have fallen in love, gotten married and started families of their own… it’s okay that we don’t cross paths that much anymore, it will never rob us of those times. (I’m talking about you, Sonia, Michelle, Amy, Debbie, Erin, Jill & Beth).

Then there are the friends we grew up with, maybe even graduated with and then took separate paths. Being back in Michigan these past 2 years has brought many of these people back into my life, even in greater capacity, and that has been a rare and unexpected gift. (That’s you Rachel, Laura, Angela & Matt).

Finally there are the new friends… the ones who I’ve encountered over the past few years. You have impacted my life and blessed me in a way that has meant so much during a tumultuous time. You have aided in my recovery… and you mean so much to me (Without a doubt John, Lauren, Keri and Kevin).

Things like… Hope.

I’ll be the first to admit that life is hard. It throws all sorts of unexpected twists and turns at us. It can crush us, or catapult us into growth. Fortunately for me, I have had a Friend who has stuck closer than a brother. Fortunately for me, He has had a plan that couldn’t be thwarted just because of human error or spiritual adversity. Fortunately for us, we can trust in Him with our whole heart, and He’ll direct our paths. HE gives us a future and a hope.

And that’s worth SO much more than money can buy.


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