Welcome to a new week.
I had a relaxing weekend, and caught up on my high school sports. As I mentioned before, my cousin Justin was slated to break his high school's basket-scoring record last Friday... and he did. In fact, he shattered it. All he needed to tie with the score held by our other cousin for over 15 years was 12 points. He made 26... and isn't finished with the season yet. Before the game, I was sitting with my family and Ross, the record holder was sitting beside me. He secretly showed me that they had a plaque engraved with Justin's name, the number of baskets, and the date. When Justin broke the record, they called Ross from the crowd to present him with the award. It was a really special moment for our family, and Ross was really gracious about it. There was also a large sign made and hanging in the gym with both of their names and player numbers that read, 'All in the Family.'
I have to admit, there was one dark spot in the game though. I guess you can't go see a high school game in Northern Michigan without
at least one mullet moment. We had two. One mullet was worn by a helpless 6 year old boy, playing innocently on the bleachers. The other, I'm sorry to say, was within our own family... Yikes. (He married in though, NO blood relation).
Saturday I spent the majority of the day watching a volleyball tournament. My sister Olivia played hard, although they did not walk away with the overall win. They placed third in the conference. She has just one more game on Thursday and a final tournament next Saturday.
I met with my girlfriends Laura and Lauren last night for dinner. We hadn't spent time together chatting in awhile so it was nice to catch up. I told Laura that I had written a blog about our talk- show idea and included her picture. She panicked and asked which one I had posted, hoping that it wasn't the one I actually did in fact, post. Sorry Laura, but I think you look cute. I'm including a shot of my other friend Lauren and I with this post as well. Cute story about Lauren --
The last time the 3 of us met for dinner we were talking about an upcoming blind date Laura was to have with a guy named Chad. While we were getting Laura's thoughts on the set-up, Lauren came out with 'I knew a squirrel named Chad.' Laura and I just looked at each other not sure what to make of the comment when she continued, 'While I was in college, my roommates and I used to feed this squirrel that we named Chad... until he started eating over at the neighbor's house. He cheated on us, so we quit feeding him,' she said matter-of-factly. She later showed us a picture in her college scrapbook of him... sure enough, there he was with a nut in his little hands staring right at the camera. The attached photo of us was at her sister's homecoming football game last fall... I intend to include Chad's photo on here sometime soon.
Today I would like to leave you with this thought. It's a favorite quote of mine from Helen Keller that I've shared with many of you in the past, but it's worth repeating.
'One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.'
Our goal should be to experience genuine contentment in whatever state we're in, trusting that where we are is exactly where God wants us right now, while knowing it's not our final destination. It's okay to have dreams and reach for them, because we are designed to grow and learn. This is the challenge and balance of the journey we're on. Don't grow tired and despise where you are - but don't neglect the yearning in you for more either. We should always be challenged and moving toward where we feel we are destined to be... Remember Proverbs 3:5&6 always and trust God to open the doors into the next leg of your journey. I am constantly reminding myself of this these days.
Have a great Monday!!