A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Monday, February 14, 2005

So this is how it is...

I am not what you would call a technology buff by any stretch of the imagination. Granted, I'm not nearly as bad as my dad, who tried to save a Word document to a blank DVD yesterday, but close. I didn't fully understand what the iPod buzz was all about until I was given one as a gift, I am still a little afraid to sign up for the free text messaging service that my friends keep sending me (there has to be a hidden cost somewhere!), and am just now 'blogging.'

So here it is - the beginning of a great journey into the unknown, sending out a virtual update on the life of Amber. Maybe someone will even read it sometime! I can't guarantee this will be a daily event, but I'll try to keep it somewhat regular. At any rate, here's to technology... and here's to an attempt at updating those of you who are interested, or have time to kill reading about someone else's life. Maybe this will eliminate my need to mass email you all twice a year... Lucky you!

At any rate, welcome to my blog, my brain, my heart. I'll try to keep it coherent.

In the words of the great Kip Dynamite, "I love technology..."



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