A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Of Moroccan food and marvelous women

Before I spend an unnecessary amount of energy and time describing the tasty mashed potatoes I am currently eating (Autumn, my aerobics instructor will not be thrilled), I'll address the more pressing matter of the morning.

I did not meet Kip, or Pedro for that matter. I did not even attempt to drive anywhere near the stadium where they were. So sorry to disappoint.

After numerous hours of female family blather at Olive Garden, and subsequent fitting room discouragement yesterday (after all, who really does just order the soup/salad combination there? Oh yeah, Autumn), I was way too tired to even consider the (presumably) LONG lines I would have to wait in. So we just skipped it.

Yesterday morning started an hour earlier than planned when Lacey and I awoke to hear a 19 month old voice from the other room repeatedly saying, "Aw done sweepin, aw done sweepin!"

We got ready, took Ella to Lacey's in-laws, got gas, and got on the road.

We arrived in Grand Rapids just moments before 11, the scheduled lunch time. We over-ate, laughed uncontrollably and celebrated our femi-familyhood. One of my favorite moments was when my Aunt Penny (my mom's sister) recalled having tendonitis and then cortisone shots in both elbows at once and had to call her (then 11 or 12) year old son in to help her pull up her pants. "It was hideous! ...Poor thing," she said slowly shaking her head. I think she fears Chase is scarred for life. So funny. Before we left (don't think we didn't share desserts first!), the waiter took this picture of us.

Then it was over to the mall. We shopped for hours and I experienced only limited success. Late in the afternoon I came across a pair of jeans that I liked. They turned out to be just $11 (which I really liked)! I didn't even know they could come that cheap! Definitely the best buy of the last few months. Lacey wanted to stop at KB Toys to look for some Ella Christmas gifts. I waited outside and thoroughly enjoyed watching this mom and 5 year old son singing "Sweet Home Alabama" to the karaoke machine facing out into the mall.

Around 6:15 we parted ways, and Lacey decided to join me for the bachelorette-extravaganza. This turned out to be a great idea, because I was not feeling too swell (tired, and sore throat) and had already made up my mind not to stay over night. Now I wouldn't have to drive home alone. (Pardon the red eyes in these pictures, still working out my digital-kinks). We met at Rachel's apartment, freshened up, waited for the other girls to arrive and then headed to a restaurant called San Chez. Once we arrived, we discovered over an hour wait time, but the adjoining eatery next door was under the same ownership and we could wait there, if we liked. We walked over and quickly decided that the Moroccan food, live music, dramatic lighting and rich colored, swaggy-material covered walls were precisely where we wanted to be.

The nine of us caught up on Rachel's wedding plans, shared (non)dating stories, gave each other updates about work, and people we know from high school.

The group included Sarah and Keisha (who I spent some time with awhile back in Lansing), my good friend Laura, Rachel's cousin Katie, Rachel, Jen - a girl that Rachel's fiance works with, Laura's sister Karin, Lacey and I. We ended up ordering multiple small dishes (cheese, bread, salmon, chicken, veggie) and sharing them. There is always a sense of closeness when a Lazy Susan joins the meal.
It was a really good time visiting and celebrating with Rachel. Lacey and I left once the meal was finished (the night was just beginning for the rest of the group :), and headed home. I was so thankful when I crawled into bed about 1 am... It was a lovely evening, and I managed to keep us on the road while driving home in a torrential downpour.

So, as for today, I didn't end up going to church at Mars Hill. In fact, I didn't end up going to church at all. I slept in, woke up to the delicious smell of Sunday dinner being prepared upstairs, and now, here I sit. Happy tummy, messy hair.

As for the potatoes... The wife of a man that my mom works with had knee surgery this week. Although intensive, it went successfully, and now as she heals those around have been preparing meals for them. Her loss is my gain today because my mom cooked the most delicious meal. With that in mind, I ask this question... If the squash and green beans are full of real butter, do they still constitute as a serving of veggies?

I'm going with yes.


Blogger Khalid said...

Dude, Come to east lansing again.
last time was a blast.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Lacey McMahon said...

So fun!

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures.

Hey, pardon my use of a colloquial (and potentially offensive) word, but has anyone else ever noticed how cute chicks tend to cluster?

I have rarely, I mean, RARELY, ever seen cute chicks hanging out with ugly-ass chicks (unless they're related or coworkers). Chicks seem to always hang out with other chicks that are within 1-1.5 points of the "universal" 1-10 hotness meter.

There should be a mathematical formula or something for this widespread phenomenomenommubnmum...

10:30 PM  

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