A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Movies, The Mullets and The Wardrobe

So I'm behind on the 'Required Reading List.' Last year, my girlfriend Laura inspired me when she found an online suggested literary works list that every person should read before they graduate college, and started securing the books from the library one by one. I know people who have accomplished this - and I have such great respect for you. It's great to be familiar with the renowned authors, complex characters and unique plotlines that comprise the greatest literary pieces of all time. I joined her in the noble quest of working my way through the list... or should I say, I had great intentions of joining her. This brings me to my present reading. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I am just now reading the Chronicles of Narnia. And yes, it took seeing the theatrical trailer. I finished The Magician's Nephew last night, and started the 2nd, and most popular in the series, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. What can I say...? I'm hooked. I'm just now falling in love with some stories that many of you have loved for most of your lives. I've always had an affinity for allegories though. I remember reading Hinds Feet in High Places as a little girl and identifying with the journey of Much-Afraid. But that's the beauty of an allegory - she represented all of us.

Speaking of theatrical trailers, I've seen the preview for the motion picture version of the Broadway play Rent. I am in love with the Seasons of Love song. Yeah, it's definitely a show tune, but you gotta appreciate the talent. Incredible. (Go to iTunes to sample a listen, or follow the link to watch the trailer).

Okay, now it's time for a little game I like to play called "I (still) live in a hick town." My mom spent most of the day yesterday at 'Old Fashioned Days,' an annual celebration in Marion, MI. Marion is about 20 miles from here and is where my mom spent most of her childhood. Many of my aunts and uncles still live there, as well as my grandparents. Every year it's like a class reunion for my mom because everyone comes home, so she tries to at least go and re-connect. What she told me about the festivities yesterday however, alarmed me. First of all, they had a pork roast. Yeah, it's the other white meat, tastes good with BBQ sauce and pickles, sure that's normal, I don't have a problem with that. What DOES bother me though is when it follows a real life, no this is not Charlotte's Web, Greased Pig Catching. I wish I was lying. She said that they started with the kids (many of which I am sure are forced to wear the mini-truck mullet). Mom said that they had kids as young as 6 chasing tiny piglets. They greased up the pig, and then each person's hands as well. They went in age shifts, but when it came time for the adults, it was a free-for-all. 9 huge pigs and 30-40 people or more at once. Unbelievable... and really stinky. Apparently if you caught a pig you got to keep it, but I have reason to believe they were pretty hungry after all that hog-tying. Don't know for sure, I'm just saying...

Shifting gears - I went north to Traverse City today for church. My cousin was going to go with me, but something came up at the last minute, so I went up there alone this morning. I always enjoy the drive up there, especially when the weather is as gorgeous as it was today. The worship service and message were really good too. Basically, it was the end of a series the pastor has been doing on soul-winning. I'm not thrilled with that term because it's not like leading someone to Christ is a notch in your belt, but I understand the meaning... and the necessity. Scripture even says "He who wins souls is wise." I think as believers we can get so caught up with our own growth, finding God's will for our lives, working through issues, etc, that we can get caught up in our own Christianity and forget to reach out. A good friend mentioned today "If you have to tell people that you're a Christian, (meaning your lifestyle alone isn't enough) you're not doing your job." We should look inward. We should regularly, consciously gauge where our hearts are with God, others and the sincerity of our motives. But we should never be SO introspective that we forget there is a world of people out there who need to know Him... to know He's there. The pastor gave several reasons why we should share the Gospel, but the number 1 reason was because simply, God commands it. What else can you say to that? I know I was convicted about my own life. I want to show His love, and the reality of Christ through my actions first and foremost, but also through my words. This is something I know full well, but it was a good reminder.


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