A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Monday, August 22, 2005

awakened by beauty

I've been re-reading through an incredible book. It probably ranks within the top 5 books I've ever read in terms of affecting my life, and impacting the way I perceive God. It's called Captivating, by John and Stasi Eldredge. It's written primarily for women, but I want to include a passage that really jumped out at me last night.

Let me start by saying this: People respond to God differently. Similar to our unique genetic make up, there is a code wired somewhere deep within the DNA of our emotions and souls that differentiates how we best experience God. Things that easily touch my heart and bring tears to my eyes may not affect you similarly, and vice versa. Fortunately for us God was the one Who stitched that thread into our heart. In short, He knows best how to tug on it.

Undeniably, male or female, young or old - all humanity is moved by Beauty... And that is the crux of what this quote is all about.

"All around us God's creation shouts of his beauty and his goodness. The silhouette of lace on a barren tree draped with ice, the rays of sun streaming forth from a billowing cloud, the sound of a brook trickling over smooth stones, the form of a woman's body, and the face of a child anticipating the arrival of the ice cream truck all speak of God's good heart, if we will but have the eyes to see. The coming of spring after a hard winter is almost too glorious for a soul to bear. God's beauty is lavished on the world... Beauty is powerful. Beauty may be the most powerful thing on earth. Beauty speaks. Beauty invites. Beauty nourishes. Beauty comforts. Beauty inspires. Beauty is transcendent. Beauty draws us to God. As Simone Weil wrote, 'The beauty of the world is almost the only way by which we can allow God to penetrate us... Beauty captivates the senses in order to obtain permission to pass straight through to the soul... The soul's inclination to love beauty is the trap God most frequently uses in order to win it.'" I love the way Mr. Weil referenced the cleverness of God in that quote.

My former pastor in Tulsa used to speak of something similar... Something he called "The Law of Attention." He said that when things were feeling stale in his marriage, he would take action to remedy the romance. Executing the 'Law of Attention' meant filling a mundane task with new life that signaled something fresh into the relationship. For instance, when his wife went to the mall, he would tag along, hide behind racks of clothing and then peek out at her unexpectedly. Inevitably she would smile, giggle, or shake her head at his silliness, but it got her attention, and ultimately, her heart. The whole purpose for putting this 'Law' into practice was rooted in a spiritual truth found in Matthew. 'Where your treasure is, your heart will be also,' or as he liked to say 'Wherever you put your attention... Your heart will go there.'

I think God likes beauty, too. From His creation we know He's an avid Outdoorsman, a Sculptor, a Musician, and a Storyteller Who cleverly weaves Himself into the most beautiful of plotlines. The signaling of a new season doesn't happen just because that's how the world was set in motion. Every thing God has created is designed to captivate us... Through the beauty of creation, He's peeking out at us.

He's trying to win our hearts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! I'm reading this book right now!!! When you take beauty as God intended it's an awesome, powerful thing. When we muss it up then it loses its, well, its beauty! ;-)

That's my prayer for all my sisters in Christ, that they would find the true beauty that God created them with, individually and uniquely. Not give the world the right to put the definition on what it should be or shouldn't be.

God is the ultimate craftsman and His work is pure.

Women need to realize that when they walk in the "beauty" of the world (with low cut tops, showing skin, etc etc) they're really baring a secret part of their beauty that God intended to truly captivate only their husbands. They give away the secret and their husbands don't own a beautiful, secret part of them because the world owns it. :-(

If you're interested, the fall WOW devotion schedule is going to be based all on the way the Lord created a woman's beauty, through her heart, mind, strength and soul. I'm leading the devotions and would LOVE to have you there! I think you might enjoy it.

Email me if you'd like and I can give you more info!


2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got done last night reading the chaper titled, "Romanced". WOW! Talk about tingly sensations that God loves us like that! What an awesome realization huh!!!!

Long way from the pain of growing up and becoming a feminist to mask the pain. Totally redeems my feminine heart for Him!!

Praise God!!! Jesus Rocks!

5:53 AM  

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