A Life Extraordinary

Twenty-something girl hoping to inspire by sharing everything from faith to fashion. Small victories and coffee celebrated here. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Big news all around

It's been a few days since I have posted, and boy do I have some updates for you!

It's not everyday you meet a celebrity, at least, not for me. Tomorrow is a different story. I'm meeting Joshua Smith. What? Never heard of him? Maybe it's because you haven't watched the new reality TV line-up on NBC. Josh is a recent kick-off (Elimination? Cast away? Vote off? Loser?) of the new Average Joe. He's from Traverse City, which is an hour north of here, and he needs some publicity photos taken. Gotta stretch out that fifteen minutes when you have the chance! Apparently he's had a makeover since he was on the show. Don't ask how, but somehow my name got thrown into the mix. So we're meeting for a portfolio review tomorrow night... We'll see if I get hired or not...

Secondly, and even bigger, is my sister news. We just found out that my sister Lacey and her hubby Jon are expecting again. Lacey figures that they'll have sweet baby #2 around March, just as Ella's turning 2. This was a surprise to us, but not to them. They are thrilled - and so am I. Olivia is packing up her new car and heading out to California tomorrow. Her plans are to attend FIDM (The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising), but she needs to establish her state residency before she enrolls... so off she goes.

It's amazing to me how much a few months can change you life. It's sad to see Livy go, but I feel like this is the right thing for her, and that brings peace to my mind. I am sure there will be a few sad days, but if this is the right thing for her, then she's GOT to go for it. All my best to you Olivia, I love and will miss you dearly.

In other news that's completely unrelated (and uncalled for)... My brother-in-law has requested that I include a troubling story from this past Sunday afternoon. He and I led worship at a church over here in Lake City. The service in LC began and ended before the service we usually attend in Cadillac, so we decided to head over there and catch up with everyone else. When we arrived there was still about 20 minutes remaining in the service, so rather than interrupting, we just waited in the foyer area; looking at calendars, bulletin boards, and poking around the information desk. As we're walking from board to board, reading about the members of the congregation who are serving overseas, looking at pictures from recent church events, and so on, this lady wanders out muttering to herself. Our back is to her when she seriously lets out... a toot. It's obvious that she did, and we heard it. It was one of those moments where your breath catches in your throat as you desperately try to hold in your laughter. I'm standing there like 'Don't look at Jon, don't look at Jon.' Of course, I do glance over at Jon who's eyes are the size of saucers and I can tell he's biting his tongue too. Once she finally walked away, I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes, and Jon was like "Who does that?" Needless to say, it was a hilarious, immature and torture-filled 2 minutes...

How do I gracefully segue back to paying tribute to Olivia? I guess there's no easy way other than saying this...

Liv, I am so proud of you. Our lives have definitely taken some strange, unexpected and exciting turns over the past few years. I could have been given brothers, I could have been given siblings that I don't really click with... but that's not what I got. I got sisters who love the Lord, love each other, and have amazing senses of humor. I could spend my whole life laughing, crying and hugging with you and I don't think it would ever get old. Unfortunately that's not always how life is. So remember this:

Adventures are to be experienced. Hard times are to be walked THROUGH. The reward of obedience, no matter how emotionally draining and full of twists and turns it can be is worth every ounce of the effort it takes. God honors the pursuits that He ordains, and the people who love Him. I know Cali is the place He's called you to for this stage in your life. Always remember Proverbs 3:5&6, you can stick it in your back pocket and take it anywhere. "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, lean NOT on your OWN understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him (first) and HE WILL direct your paths." Mom, Dad, Lacey, Jon, Ella and I love you immeasurably and are praying for you every step of the way... But regardless of how much we love you - Jesus still loves you more, and He'll be with you - even all the way on the west coast.

I love you.


Blogger Jonny Mac said...

It is sad to see Olivia go..My last thought of her b4 leaving is her at my house when I came home from work about 4 in the afternoon the otherday. Livy was wearing these nasty pajama bottoms and ol' school shirt and looked like she just rolled out of bed...I was like, "you look GREAT today." And she just craked up as usual...we will truly miss her, remember, you can always come back if God says turn around......thanks for the "fluff" story Amber, I loved the way you put it.....

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved to read all about the stuff going on at home.. and whats goin on in your head and in your heart. It truely blessed me to read the little post on there for me, ofcourse.. I am a Miller girl and my emotions go off REAL easy so i a bawled! I'm really missin you and the fam.. SO much - Gods been doin amazing things here and i've been extremely blessed! but I'm still missin all of you guys more than ever! Oh and by the way I love Jons latest memory of me! hahah that's soo how it is! man i love that! :) you're amazing Amber.... love you sooooo much.. Livy

1:04 PM  

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